Compared to Obinna, the young enslaved African boy, Chugu is a savage lion when it comes to bravery. Lucia’s dad, the Spanish Governor, is in trouble with the Colonial Office back in Spain, and she will do anything for her dear Papa. No one else - African slaves, Tainos, whoever - matters.
And of course, we must not forget Amma, that hurricane of a fighter, a determined girl born among the free people of the hills, the people that escaped slavery and now terrorize the Spanish colonists insistent on imposing their will on the island. Chugu will need all the help he can get, because the very survival of an entire group of native and enslaved people is at stake. Our hero will learn that, somehow, 'you must do that thing which you are most afraid to do.'
Even when you’re scared stiff, with a ravenous beast inches from your face.